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mardi 27 octobre 2015

THE RUSTY BELLS lauréats du Prix des Jeunes Aventuriers 2015

The Rusty Bells


Le groupe toulousain The Rusty Bells vient de remporter le prix des Jeunes Aventuriers 2015, et sera la révélation invitée à rejoindre l'affiche du festival "Les Aventuriers", qui tiendra sa 11ème édition, du 8 au 17 décembre à Fontenay-sous-Bois.

Le duo, déjà cette année Révélation Converse, lauréat Hello Bank! et découverte KR Magazine 2015, aura ainsi la chance de se produire en première partie d'Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine, en clôture du festival le 17 décembre à la salle Jacques Brel de Fontenay-sous-Bois.

De retour de tournée, le groupe se produira également dans sa ville natale le 30 octobre pour rendre hommage à John Lennon au Bikini à Toulouse, lors de la soirée "I Love John" (organisation Progrès-Son / Le Bikini) et partagera la scène avec de nombreux musiciens eux aussi membres de la famille Dead Bees records ou associés : Sound Sweet Sound, Alone With Everybody...

"Run To Stay Inside", leur dernier single en écoute :

Contacter leur manager :
Mago & Co (Tété, Busdriver, Patrice, TTC, Blake Worell...) - magoandco@free.fr

Solliciter une interview : andresjez31@gmail.com

Autres Liens :

THE RUSTY BELLS : Run To Stay Inside (cd
                      single) Studio Graphique

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

What I Learned About the Record Industry by Carsharing with a Millenial

A couple of days ago I shared a car over a 250 miles trip back home after a family reunion week-end. I logged on on a French popular car-sharing portal and picked a ride home.

Riding with a Millenial

My ride happen to be 21 year old student driving back to Toulouse and college after a week-end with his folks.
The kid appears to be the average 20 something youngster. Drives a second hand car but flashes a shiny iPhone 5.
Looks and sounds educated. Average student kid, with a countryside background (yes, I do spend my week-ends in the French evergreen farmland).
As soon as we hit the road I cannot take my eyes off the car stereo's dashboard. The thing is stuck in some kind of a demo mode. Flashing features on its LCD screen on carousel mode. Featuring grand LED display. I wonder if my guy will turn the thing on, and what sound will come out of that thing.

After 50 miles driving on a winding road through fields and woods, we hit the highway. My driver relaxes, turns on speed regulator and offers to play some music.
"Wanna plug in your phone?" he says. I pass as my old thing of a phone's got a broken jack socket and I instantly wish I hadn't disposed my backpack in the trunk, enclosing my other phone along with other road trip best companions: books and sandwiches.
The kid grabs a jack cord, plugs it in, reaches for his phone and launches a random playlist off his library.

"So, you don't buy CDs, I guess?
No. I don't."

While the iPod app is in control, the stereo is still running its LCD overdrive. Keeps sending these obsessive stimuli to my eyes, grabbing most of my attention. This thing is obviously crying out for help. My help.
So I ask: "do you ever play some CDs in that thing?"
- No I don't. Sometimes some friends ride along and bring their own CD-r comps, but that's pretty much it.
- So, you don't buy CDs, i guess?
- No. I don't.
- Did you ever buy some?
- No. no. Never did.
And then he adds:
- I have this mate, he's into music. He's got this huge library. Like gigabyte of it. So whenever I need new music I just go to this guy"
- Oh I see.
- With every device operating a jack or USB connector, there's no point in using CDs, really.

I try then to figure out which legit music source he may rely on.
- Yeah, this and streaming services, they're killing the CD business. Do you ever use any of those? Deezer, Spotify?
- No, I don't. Some on my friends, they're into music, like hardcore, they do. but I don't, no.
- So, how do you tune into new music, fresh sounds?
- Oh, I just go online on Youtube and browse stuff.

There it is. Loud and clear. You can ditch all the fancy reports and studies about millenials' music consumption habits.
I have one of them sitting next to me in the car. And he's a living proof of this generation's global adoption of the digital age of music.

This generation never paid for music

This generation never paid for music

As he mentions it, there's a fringe of these kids keeping up with music, digging new sounds over legit streaming services, but most of his generation mates act just like he does.

This generation never paid for music. That's a fact. They were raised while MP3 rampaged the industry - remember those Naptster days? - and now they're adults it's free streaming time, Youtube and my-guy-with-shit-load-of-mp3 dealer of a friend.
Then, how will we ever be able to bring them to spend money over music?

Furthermore, they're another thing about those kids on my mind. They've always been living is a music saturated world. Music everywhere. Shopping malls, underground parking lots, elevators, telephone services... everywhere.
It's music non stop and it's free of charge. So how would they figure that listening to music comes with price?
When you look at it, in this generation's perspective paying for a streaming service isn't purchasing music but buying access to a convenient service. Not paying for the music but for reliable library sync between desktop and mobile, or offline use. Etc.

This generation's been raised to pay for apps and features, but not for a piece of art.
And this, is our biggest failure.

vendredi 16 octobre 2015

Communiqué : BOUDU le magazine de société toulousain, campagne KissKissBankBank en cours, en kiosque le 4 novembre

BOUDU, le magazine de société toulousain
Bonjour à tous,

BOUDU le magazine de société toulousain vient de lancer sa campagne de crowdfunding sur KissKissBankBank.

Après deux ans de travail, BOUDU paraîtra sur du beau papier le 4 novembre dans les kiosques à journaux du Grand Toulouse et sur les kiosques numériques.
C’est un magazine de société un tantinet décalé, mensuel, généraliste, pour les lecteurs du Sud-Ouest.

Son modèle économique repose en grande partie sur ses ventes : la campagne de crowdfunding a donc pour principal objectif de créer une première communauté de lecteurs fidèles.
Ainsi, abonnez-vous à BOUDU le magazine de société toulousain, sur www.kisskissbankbank.com/boudu.

Après seulement 48h de campagne, le premier objectif initial de la campagne est en passe d'être atteint : 8000€.
Mais cette somme n'est qu'un premier palier : au delà, la collecte permettra de financer une campagne d'affichage dans le Grand Toulouse, ou encore d’accélérer le déploiement de l'offre numérique de BOUDU...

BOUDU, la campagne
Retrouvez BOUDU le magazine de société toulousain, sur la plateforme de financement participatif KissKissBankBank :

sur les réseaux sociaux :

et bientôt sur le web :

en attendant la sortie en kiosques le 4 novembre :

BOUDU - Omar Hasan en

BOUDU, ça cale mal mais ça se lit bien

BOUDU le magazine de société toulousain, en kiosque
                le 4 novembre